Publication Sustainability in tourism - A guide through the label jungle

Release date 29/02/2016
Contributor Meike Rohkemper
Original title Sustainability in tourism - A guide through the label jungle
Publisher Naturefriends International, ECOTRANS e. V. , Bread for the World – Protestant Development Service, Tourism Watch
Publication year 2016
Issue date 29/02/2016
Country Germany
Keywords certification
Page(s) 23
Document type Brochure
Language(s) English, German
Target group(s) Destinations , Businesses , Travellers , Education, Research, Consultancy , NGOs, Partnerships, Networks , Governments & Administrations
Topics Certification & Marketing

Sustainability in tourism - A guide through the label jungle

It provides you with an introduction to sustainable tourism certification and a comparison of the main characteristics and quality features of 50 well-known international and national environmental and sustainability labels in tourism world wide.

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Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus- Wegweiser durch den Labeldschungel

Einführung in die Zertifizierung von Nachhaltigem Tourismus und Vergleich der wichtigsten Eigenschaften und Qualitätsmerkmale von 50 bekannten internationalen und nationalen Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitslabels im Tourismus weltweit.

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