File FASTLAIN Policy Paper I Contribution to the EC 2011 Evaluation of an Agenda for a Competitive and Sustainable Tourism

Contributor Gordon Sillence
Topics Destination Management , Human Rights & Labour Rights
Target groups Governments & Administrations
Release date 27/11/2012
All versions
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FASTLAIN Policy Paper I = Contribution to the EC 2011 Evaluation of an Agenda for a Competitive and Sustainable Tourism




This document reports on the policy contribution during the FAST-LAIN process by ecotrans to the Commisson’s 2010 (and previous communications) on sustaianble and competitive tourism.

 It is the first of two documents presented by Ecotrans during the FAST-LAIN project dealing with sustainable tourism development policy isses and initiatvies related to knowledge networking and innovation at the  EU and UN policy making levels.

The First document is the Ecotrans commentary offered on the FIdanca Report, feeding back on the Commission decade of policy making. The second document is a proposal submitted to UN and EU bodies as part of the Rio+20 international dimension of the FAST-LAIN project, in which the theme of sustainable tourism development was the focus.