Publication Eco Tourism as a Tool for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection

Release date 25/02/2010
Contributor christine
Original title "Экотуризм как инструмент для устойчивого развития и защиты окружающей среды".
Author Project of the Agro Consultancy Centre NGO financed under the Soros foundation, the Agency for tourisma and sports of Kazaкhstan, the Ministry of Environment and VSO
Publication year 2002
Issue date 25/02/2010
Keywords Eco-Destinet
Language(s) Russian
Internet access (URL)

Atti di una conferenza in cui si è avuto uno scambio di esperienze e di conoscenze sull'ecoturismo in Russia, Kirghizistan, Armenia, Ungheria, Estonia, Regno Unito, Germania, Ucraina, Mongolia, Canada e Kazakistan.