Publication Eco Education and Eco Tourism: Experience and Problems

Release date 27/10/2009
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Экопросвещение и экотуризм: опыт и проблемы.
Author Danilina N.R.
Publication year 1999
Issue date 26/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Protected area management and tourism
Language(s) Russian
Internet access (URL)

It seems feasible to begin the discussion of such an acute topic as our natural reserves management structure with some sort of introduction or an extended epigraph. Irrelevant as it may seem, in fact it has a direct bearing on the issue under consideration. Currently, there is a wide-spread talk about a so-called "noospheric development" of certain regions of this country and of their strife to attain some new spiritual and ecological essence. Judging by the available literature, the right to "noospheric leadership" is claimed by Altai and Taimyr, the Barentz region and Beringia, ie territories with mostly intact (at least relatively) natural landscapes. There are plenty of publications devoted particularly to the noospheric role of natural reserves. It would seem natural to support this promising and evolving area by citing fundamental works of VN Vernadsky and his most close follower N.N. Moisseev, but they are so well-known that it would seem enough just to mention them. Apparently, it is preferable to cite less known ideas of one of the famous Russian philosophers NA Berdiaev - ideas that despite their seeming irrelevance have a direct bearing on this topic.