Publication Eco Education and Eco Tourism for Children: Investment in the Future Sustainable Development

Release date 27/10/2009
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Екологично образование и екотуризъм за деца: инвестиция в бъдещото устойчиво развитие
Author municipality of Delchevo, municipality of Blagoevgrad
Publication year 2008
Issue date 26/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Ecotourism best practices and experiences
Language(s) Bulgarian
Internet access (URL)

Eco tourism for children. Educational practice in the open. Eco centre for eco education of pupils at all ages. evelopment of an educational programme for children (teachers of ecology, representatives of "Rila" national park, NGOs).

 L'ecoturismo per bambini. Ecocentro per l'educazione ambientale delle scolaresche di tutte le età. Il programma educativo per i bambini (insegnanti di scienze ambientali, rappresentanti del parco nazionale della "Rila", ONG).