Publication Biodiversity - a GRI Reporting Resource

Release date 18/12/2014
Contributor Meike Rohkemper
Original title Biodiversity - a GRI Reporting Resource
Publisher Global Reporting Initiative
Publication year 2007
Issue date 18/12/2014
Country Netherlands
Keywords Sustainability reporting
Page(s) 50
Target group(s) Destinations
Topics Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
Download PDF Biodiversity - a GRI Reporting Resource (PDF, 2574 Kb)

The Biodiversity Resource Document published by the GRI aims to assist reporting organizations in understanding the issue of biodiversity and its relationship to their activities and operations; offers insights on specific issues and challenges related to biodiversity reporting; discusses how the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines can be used to report on biodiversity; and provides information resources and references to help organizations with their biodiversity reporting.