Publication Basic Key Figures and Indicators for Biodiversity

Erscheinungsdatum 04/01/2015
Contributor Meike Rohkemper
Herausgeber Globall Nature Fund (GNF)
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Ausstellungsdatum 18/12/2014
Land Europe,
Schlagwörter Biodiversity, Payments for ecosystem services, csrbiodiv
Seite(n) 6
Sprache (n) english
Zielgruppe(n) Unternehmen
THEMEN Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
herunterladen BINARY Basic Key Figures and Indicators for Biodiversity (BINARY, 431 Kb)


This selection is a basic set of key figures and indicators applicable for companies of all economic sectors. It helps the company to implement first steps to approach the management of biodiversity with the aim to reduce the impact on biodiversity and the related ecosystem services.