Publication Association for the Development of Tourism in Moldova

Release date 27/10/2009
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title Ассоциация по Развитию Туризма в Молдове
Author National NGO, Moldova
Publication year 2007
Issue date 26/10/2009
Keywords Eco-Destinet, Ecotourism organisations
Internet access (URL)

ANTREC - Moldova" was founded on 22 of September, 2000 and it was the first organization that founded the first agro-touristic businesses in Moldova. Develop sustainable tourism development strategies for Moldavian regions Diversify and promote the rural tourist potential, and to improve national tourist product Improve sustainable development of rural, ecological and cultural tourism Lobby and support creation of the legal frame that stimulate development of rural tourism Provide professional training in the countryside for ANTREC's members to offer high-quality tourist services Develop, publish, and distribute guides and support information (including business plans) for people who offer or plan to offer rural tourist services Extend and develop the first rural tourism network in Moldova initiated by ANTREC Organize promotional campaigns for Moldova rural tourism network members Participate in international conferences, fairs and exhibitions.