Contact Silvacultura Ltd.

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Personal Title Mr.
Firstname Pekka
Lastname Alhojarvi
Job Title Chairman
Organisation Silvacultura Ltd./Green Destinations in Finland/Ecotrans network
Postal Address Ripusuontie 17 b B, 00660 Helsinki, Finland
Phone Number +358405178286
Released 27/05/2023
Country Europe, Finland
Organization Type Education, Research, Consultancy Education, Research, Consultancy
Marketplace Type Certified Green: Destinations Certified Green: Destinations
Expiry date 30/12/2020
Topics Certification & Marketing , Climate Change - Energy and Resource Efficiency , Cultural Heritage, Life Styles & Diversity , Destination Management , Good Governance & CSR , Human Rights & Labour Rights , Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Natural Heritage & Biodiversity , Value Chain Management & Fair Trade
Operational level National