Knowledge Networking Portal for Sustainable & Responsible Tourism
Report on the Contribution of the DestiNet UN type II Partnership to the Green Economy and Institutional Change Process of Rio +20. The report is in .pdf format showing Agenda 21 and ICT knowledge management, the DestiNet Learning Area on Sustainable Tourism and How DestiNet works as a tool to implement research to market-place innovations.
Wit Rio officially kicking off this week, DestiNet News will follow the Agenda 21 facelift going on in Brazil. We start off with the launch of the Contribution of the DestiNet UN Type II Partnership to the Green Economy and Institutional change process of Rio +20, launched at Rio +20 in relation to UNEP/UNWTO Green Innovation in Tourism Seminar on 19th June.
The DestiNet progress report is in .pdf format showing 3 two minute briefings:
Agenda 21 and ICT knowledge management for the tourism stakeholders
The DestiNet Learning Area on Sustainable Tourism
How DestiNet works as a tool to implement research to market-place innovations.
See the report in the Resources section to understand how the DestNet knowledge base is founded on Agenda 21, and how you can use the site for innovation for SD. There is also a useful overview of how the site works for those who want to be active contributors to of any knowledge network processes on DestiNet.
Concerned URL | |
Address | |
Keywords | Agenda 21, |
Target group(s) | Destinations , Businesses , Education, Research, Consultancy , NGOs, Partnerships, Networks , Governments & Administrations |
Topics | Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Human Rights & Labour Rights , Travel, Transport & Mobility |
It's disheartening to see how the #FutureWeWant does not include travel and tourism.
The side events in Brazil were conducted in silo-type environments without livestreaming. These events merit a failing grade.
Posted by ronmader at 20 Jun 2012 16:58:52