Certificate Distinción Turismo Sustentable


The certificate aims to recognize sustainable accommodations across Chile, and give them more visibility among foreign and national tourists.

"GSTC recognised standard" in January 2014


Link to standard: https://chilesustentable.sernatur.cl/distincion/descargables/


List of certified businesses: 90 (2022)





See all locations on the map
Organisation SERNATUR, Ministerio de Economía Fomento y Turismo
Postal Address Avenida Providencia 1550, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Phone Number +56 22 731 83 10
Webpage https://serviciosturisticos.sernatur.cl - open in new window
Released 18/12/2022
Country Chile
Certified categories
  • Certified Green: Accommodation Providers Certified Green: Accommodation Providers
Operational level National
Sustainability GSTC recognised
Credibility On-site audit
  • Unspecified