Knowledge Networking Portal for Sustainable & Responsible Tourism
DestiNet provides more transparency in Sustainable Tourism
Since 20 years ECOTRANS has been analysing ecolabels and sustainable tourism certification programmes. Meanwhile more than 100 certificates are awarded worldwide to hotels and restaurants, tourist attractions and destinations, tour oprators and travel agencies.The global tourism market needs transparency to make decisions for the development and selling of the better choice.
The DestiNet portal provides independent quality assessed information on the labels' standards, credibility and coverage of sustainability issues. The Green Market Place on the DestiNet Atlas supports the access of certified tourism to the market.
The 2 pages introduce into the topic and lead you to the information you need.
Herbert Hamele, ECOTRANS, September 2013
Concerned URL | /who-who/civil-society-ngos/ecotrans/publications/destinet-provides-more-transparency-sustainable-tourism/download/1/Ecotrans%20-%20DestiNet%20Transparency%20Sustainable%20Tourism%20-sep2013-hh.pdf |
Address | |
Keywords | GSTC, certification, |
Target group(s) | Destinations , Businesses , NGOs, Partnerships, Networks , Governments & Administrations |
Topics | Value Chain Management & Fair Trade , Destination Management , Certification & Marketing , Knowledge Networking, Training and Education , Human Rights & Labour Rights , Travel, Transport & Mobility |