News The Paris ’24 Olympic Games and SDG 16– War, Injustice, Weak Institutions.

Following his 5th Olympic Truce from the Beijing 2008 Genocide in Darfur to the 2024 Gaza Genocide Olympics, Gordon Sillence reports in a magazine length deep dive article on the reality of the OlympicTruce taking place now. revealing a dark and ruthless propaganda machine demonizing Russia and glorifying Israel in another ‘panem e circencis’ (give them bread & games) Olympics. ‘We are  crucially at the midnight hour of planetary Armageddon in our lifetime, and this a call to bring SDG 16 into your work and communities if you want to see any other sustainability goals met by 2030, and usher in a world of peace, justice and strong institutions.’  Making that work an immediate call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and end to Israeli occupation and aparheid is the first and most urgent step in removing global apartheid form the international rules based order.

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Keywords Olympic peace, Olympic Truce, SDG 16
Target group(s) Governments & Administrations