Publication A Framework for Corporate Action on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Release date 23/02/2015
Contributor Herbert Hamele
Original title A Framework for Corporate Action on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Author UN Global Compact and IUCN
Publication year 2012
Issue date 17/02/2015
Country Unspecified,
Keywords Biodiversity, csrbiodiv, corporate action,
Language(s) English
Target group(s) Businesses
Topics Natural Heritage & Biodiversity
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A Framework for Corporate Action on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Section1: How companies can understand and explore their relationship with biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) by reviewing the various risks and opportunities driven by business actions that impact BES.

Section 2: Key management recommendations that can shape a corporate strategy for responsible BES management.

Section 3: The importance of working with stakeholders and
business partners to advance common goals and targets in relation to business activities
and BES.

Section 4: How companies can monitor and evaluate their performance on BES issues, and disclose their results.