Contact Dolapo Fakuade

Country: Countries of Residence – New Zealand & United States of America; Nationality – Nigerian

Hobbies: Travelling, meeting people & learning from different cultures, researching, playing badminton, managing crisis

Profession/Area of Interest: Emergency and Disaster Manager

Aim for the future: to be a world renowned emergency and disaster manager who proffers solutions and measures for increasing resilience to devastating disasters/emergencies/crisis.

Interesting fact: I’ve worked on projects and volunteered with the Police, Fire Service, Red Cross, Local authority and manage a project which involves a dozen local and international charities. As an emergency and disaster manager, I’m one of the few people who have worked with all emergency agencies providing an objective multiagency perspective to responding to disasters which drastically affect communities.

Community Project to promote peaceful coexistence: I pledge to promote the Olympic Truce and the values of the Olympics through sports and education in communities through my work and community projects in different countries. I have and will continue to encourage groups to develop projects/activities which can promote peaceful coexistence in their countries. With similar efforts, using my expertise, resources and time and working in partnership with others seek stakeholders who will ensure that the Olympic Values and Truce is widely promoted in the world through available mediums especially countries which rank low in the global peace index.

We believe peace and its sustainability is possible if we all want it and work towards it. - Dolapo

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Firstname Dolapo
Lastname Fakuade
Organisation Resilespur Community Forum
Postal Address New Zealand
Mobile +64224156546
Released 25/06/2014
Country New Zealand
Organization Type NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects NGOs, Partnerships, Networks, Projects
Topics Human Rights & Labour Rights
Operational level Global